
x dak Qeja..
nie, time k@t 'Gunung Ledang' meh..
lam clas..
lect kat depan,
kteorg kat belakang men2...
muahahahhhahaha (sory la ye En. Ramly ;)...
len kali x wat dah..
hukhukhu.....(bukan per, ngantok n bosan la....)
sjer jer nak hiburkan aty..

:) :) :) ~iDuP MesTy EpY~ :) :) :)

TeNsIoN.....**SeQHaBut PeGhuT**

tekanan loh fikirkan sal asgmnt tuk minggu nie..
terlalu banyak..sampaikan bla mengadap je laptop,
terus jadi blur...x taw nak start wat yg mn 1..
(tourism+tourism lagy+database+english+TiTaS+research)
x de ker owg nak tlg siapkan semua asgmnt nie...
mak...adik banyak asgmnt..tension!!!..)
dah la semua nak mgu nie..
leh jadi gla nih...

***BoWLink LoH***


What can Database-Marketing do for you?

  • Get to know your customers a lot better
  • Evaluate your customers value
  • Learn how to distinct between valuable customers and not that valuable ones
  • Service your customers better
  • Select target-markets for your marketing-activities more carefully
  • Calculate your customers life-time value
  • Evaluate diverse propensities indicators
  • Calculate the potential of new markets / new target-groups / new products within your database

Standard methods often cannot answer the most relevant questions of a Marketer, nor do they provide a point-and-click GUI interface for ad-hoc queries of information, that even can be handled by the primarily creativity- and certainly less systems-orientated Marketing managers.
Database-Marketing interfaces between the ad-hoc needs and the existing systems environment with all its data. It gives the marketers the unique chance to pull down information with only few mouse-clicks.

Why should you use Database-Marketing?

  • Competition is trying even harder to capture market-share from other companies
  • Customers expect to be serviced better and more precise
  • Marketing resources (i.e. the budget) are cut down to the very minimum required
  • Mass-Marketing no longer works: customerized and individually-tailored Marketing efforts are necessary
  • ROI-calculations are getting more and more important: Marketing as an investment

If any of the above mentioned statements is true, you should seriously consider to implement Database-Marketing! Database-Marketing is a tool, that efficiently can help to improve your Marketing efforts, lets you measure results of activities, and - last not least is a perfect tool to improve customer-service.


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